Monday, June 25, 2012

Benefits of Astragulus

There are many benefits to Astragulus, it lowers blood sugar levels, it is beneficial to the heart and is helpful to preventing the common cold.

Astragulus Plant
There are some reports that astragalus may lower blood sugar levels which may be beneficial for diabetics (given that you talk with your doctor first so that your blood sugar won’t reach too low levels). In fact, in China astragalus is commonly used to treat diabetes.

Astragalus may be beneficial for cardiovascular health. There are a few reasons to it.
First and foremost, astragalus contains antioxidants which protects your health cells from damage caused by free radicals which are possibly largely responsible for the aging process and numerous major diseases including some cancers and heart disease.

Secondly, astragalus may possibly improve the functioning of the heart. Unfortunately, studies were poorly designed and there was no control group. Moreover, patients were also taking other herbs.
Thirdly, there’s some evidence that astragalus may lower cholesterol levels because it prevents plaque build up in the arteries (which allows blood to flow freely).

Astragalus is frequently used to treat or prevent the common cold (it’s one of the main functions of astragalus according to the traditional Chinese medicine). It supports the immune system and helps your body fight viruses. Astragalus possibly stimulates production of white blood cells (which fight infection) and has anti-bacterial and antiviral properties.

Astragalus is an adaptogen which means that it can protect you against mental stress and help you feel healthier. Nutrients found in astragalus may increase your body’s resistance to stressors. Moreover, astragalus may fight fatigue and lack of appetite.

Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Health Benefits of Turmeric

There are so many Health Benefits to turmeric, it is the natural "spice of life." Turmeric comes in many forms from the spice in a powder, tablets to take as a supplement, face creams and Turmeric Tea.

Turmeric, the spice that gives curry its distinctive flavor and coloring, also has plenty of pain-relief benefits. New research suggests that turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and also helps to improve circulation and prevent blood clotting.

Turmeric has been used in traditional medicines for easing the pain of sprains, strains, bruises and joint inflammation, as well as for treating skin and digestive issues. The healing power of turmeric comes from its active ingredient – curcumin, which lowers the levels of two enzymes in the body that cause inflammation.

Turmeric Tea

  • Bring four cups of water to a boil.
  • Add one teaspoon of ground turmeric and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea through a fine sieve into a cup, add honey and/or lemon to taste

  • Turmeric Side Effects

    Turmeric should be used with caution by people with gallstones, stomach ulcers, or bile duct obstruction as turmeric may exacerbate these conditions.
    Turmeric can be a uterine stimulant, so pregnant women should consult with a doctor before taking turmeric during pregnancy.
    People with serious liver or heart conditions should also consult with a doctor before taking turmeric supplements.

    There are so many more health benefits of turmeric, it is a natural liver detoxifier,  it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer. It has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and turmeric been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.

    Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. Use the information you learn on the Dr Oz Show to start a dialogue with your doctor on what you should take. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements.


    Carrot & Sweet Potato and Turmeric Soup

    Turmeric has been used for 100 of years in India; it has proven to increase levels of a protein that helps the immune system fight off bacteria and viruses. Turmeric has anti inflammatory and cancer fighting properties and is a good source of manganese and potassium.

    • 1/2 sweet onion
    • 2 lbs carrots
    • 1/2 sweet potato
    • 6 cups vegetable broth
    • 2 tbsp fresh ginger, chopped
    • 1 to 2 tsp ground turmeric and fresh cracked black pepper
    • 1 tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt,  parsley for garnish
    Chop all of the vegetables. Combine the onion, carrots, sweet potato, turmeric and a pinch of salt with the veggie broth and bring to a boil.

     Reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes or until sweet potatoes and carrots are tender.   

    Put into a blender with the ginger and blend until smooth. 

    Garnish with little Greek yogurt and garnish with herb and freshly cracked pepper.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

    Most people don’t get enough magnesium from their diets. and that is why it is so important to take a magnesium supplement, there are so many benefits of magnesium supplements.  Magnesium activates enzymes that contribute to energy production and helps regulate the levels of important nutrients like calcium, copper, zinc, potassium and vitamin D. While you can get magnesium from foods like whole grains, nuts and leafy green vegetables, most Americans need a supplement to reach the recommended daily value: 400 mg magnesium with 600 mg calcium.

    Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.

    People who don't have enough magnesium are more likely to:
    • Have kidney disease
    • Have Crohn's disease or other conditions that affect digestion
    • Have parathyroid problems
    • Take antibiotics or drugs for diabetes and cancer
    • Are older adults
    • Abuse alcohol
    After calcium, the second most abundant element in bone is magnesium – probably the most overlooked mineral in human nutrition. In addition to being absolutely essential to healthy bones, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer; helps maintain normal blood pressure; prevents type II diabetes; and is essential for a healthy heart and blood vessels. Over 300 different essential chemical reactions in the body are dependent on magnesium. You, and your bones, can’t be healthy without an adequate supply of magnesium. Among the best dietary sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts, beans, and green leafy vegetables. Canned fish with bones, like canned salmon, is an excellent source of both calcium and magnesium.

    The recommended dietary allowance includes the magnesium you get from both the food you eat and any supplements you take.
    Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
    1-3 years
    80 mg/day
    4-8 years
    130 mg/day
    9-13 years
    240 mg/day
    14-18 years
    360 mg/day
    19-30 years
    310 mg/day
    31 years and over
    320 mg/day
    Under 19 years: 400 mg/day

    19 to 30 years: 350 mg/day

    31 years and up: 360 mg/day
    Under 19 years: 360 mg/day

    19 to 30 years: 310 mg/day

    31 years and up: 320 mg/day
    14-18 years
    410 mg/day
    19-30 years
    400 mg/day
    31 years and up
    420 mg/day
    It's safe to get high levels of magnesium from food. But excessive use of magnesium supplements can be toxic. The upper limit -- the highest dose a person can take -- of magnesium supplements is
    • 65 mg/day for children ages 1-3
    • 110 mg/day for children ages 4-8
    • 350 mg/day for adults and children ages 9 and up.

    Do you feel irritable, weak and exhausted all the time? You may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a crucial, but frequently overlooked, part of a balanced diet. It’s crucial in more than 300 bodily functions – many of which give you energy. Get your daily dose of this fatigue-fighting mineral by eating five servings of these magnesium-rich foods a day.

    Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. Use the information you learn on the Dr Oz Show to start a dialogue with your doctor on what you should take. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements.

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    The Benefits of Resveratrol

    There are many benefits of resveratrol, it can reduce inflammation, lowers cholesterol, helps with weight loss and has cancer fighting properties and that is why it is so important to add it into our daily supplementary diet.

    Also, it is believed that resveratrol works as an effective anti-aging ingredient.

    Resveratrol, a substance that exists in red wine and a natural plant compound, has antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Research shows that resveratrol can prevent blood clots and inhibit the growth of cancer cells; other studies show it may have a positive impact on longevity.

    Resveratrol can Protect Your Heart

    Researchers believe that chronic inflammation may be at the root of heart disease. Inflammation can cause blood clotting. Those clots, in turn, block the blood flow to your heart, leading to heart disease and, eventually, a heart attack. There are numerous causes of hidden inflammation – stress, inadequate sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and a diet high in processed foods, to name only a few – which is why it’s vital to live an active, healthy lifestyle.

    You can further protect your body from the harmful effects of inflammation by taking a resveratrol supplement. Resveratrol is a compound found in plants such as the Japanese knotweed, blueberries, peanuts, red grape skins, and others. While resveratrol has been recommended for fighting the physical effects of aging, a brand new study shows it reduced inflammation of the heart in the study's participants by 26%. Taking one 500 mg capsule of resveratrol daily with food will help you maintain a strong, healthy heart. The daily recommendation is between 250 -2000mg daily, but please check with your Dr and make sure these supplements don't interfer with any of your current medications.
    Current research into resveratrol benefits points to resveratrol having amazing anti-aging properties, hence dubbed "The Fountain of Youth." In several medical arenas it is agreed that resveratrol provides many key health benefits for the people who include proper quantities of it in their diets.

    Check out what Dr Oz has to say about The Benefits of Resveratrol.